Workforce Connections, Inc.

Address: (See Map)

2615 East Avenue South, Suite 103
La Crosse, WI 54601

Contact Information:

Phone: (608) 326-0100
Fax: (608) 326-1124
Email: [email protected]

Organization Contacts

Executive Director Teresa Pierce
Phone: (608) 326-0100
Email: [email protected]


Workforce Connections Inc is a private non-profit 501(c)3 corporation, has been providing opportunities for individuals who have experienced barriers to obtaining and maintaining meaningful employment since 1983. We assist job seekers, laid-off workers and youth with career planning, job search assistance and skills training. We operate in 13 counties in WI including: Buffalo, Columbia, Crawford, Douglas, Jackson, Juneau, La Crosse, Monroe, Pierce, Washburn , Sawyer, St. Croix, Trempealeau, and Vernon. We connect people, work and training. Workforce connections is flexible and able to mobilize easily and quickly to respond to employment priorities.

Programs Operated through Workforce Connection:

Workforce Investment Act Program:
Provides individualized, employment-focused services to job seekers and laid off workers who meet eligibility and program enrollment requirements. The goal is employment, job retention and good earnings for individuals, thereby improving the quality of the workforce. What services are available? Assessments of skills and interests, obtaining your GED, career planning, job search assistance, training opportunities and upgrading your employability skills. Services are individualized to meet your needs. Contact Workforce Connections for more information.

Connections to Independence:
Our staff have a unique blend of qualities and skills to assist you including trained Certified Workforce Professionals, Certified Financial and Employment Planners, AODA specialists, disabilities specialists and job development specialists. What services are available?

Department of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVR):
As your vendor of choice, Workforce Connections will pair you with an employment Coordinator to help guide your employment journey. Together, we will discuss your employment options and the services that are suited to your needs. We will work closely with your DVR counselor, and our area employers to develop jobs that will meet their hiring needs, but are tailored to your needs and abilities. You and your Employment Coordinator will work together to choose the right job placement for you.

Ticket to Work Services:
Workforce Connections is an employment network, and can accept you "ticket" from Social Security. The ticket is designed to assist you in getting back into the workforce. We will link you with a benefit specialist, who can analyze your current benefits. With the knowledge, we will plan a strategy on how to go back to work without jeopardizing your benefits until you are on your feet financially, physically, and emotionally.

Obtaining Social Security:
If going back to work isn't in the cards for you, and you need assistance applying for and securing social security, we can help you with that as well. We can review your current documentation, and help you navigate through the system. Contact Workforce Connections for more information.

Transportation Connections:
This program is comprised of several programs to help low-income and/or people with disabilities meet their transportation needs. Transportation services help individuals with various day-to-day transportation expenses. The Revolving Loan and Repair Programs provide 0% vehicle loans and repair services to low-income individuals who are employed. New Freedom provides mileage assistance to individuals with disabilities and who have barriers to transportation. Transportation Connections also can connect individuals to Transportation Services to help with: obtaining a bicycle, earning/reinstatement of driver's license, vehicle registration and vehicle adaptive devices. Contact Workforce Connections for more information.

Free Trainings:
At times, Workforce Connections, has access to Community Based Job Training Grants from the US Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration that allows us to provide Free Short Term Trainings (Skill Institutes) in the La Crosse area to help the unemployed upgrade their skills to get back into the workforce. These training opportunities are available to Crawford residents as well. Some examples of past trainings that we had are BEST (Building Employment Skills Training), C.N.A., Welding and CNC Operation. Classes have limited availability. Check with Workforce Connections today to see if there are any skills institutes available.

Service Categories

Employment, Employment, Transportation

Geographic Areas Served

  • Cities Prairie du Chien
  • States WI
  • Counties Buffalo, Crawford, Jackson, Juneau, La Crosse, Monroe, Pepin, Trempealeau, Vernon, La Crosse

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 9:00 AM-4:30 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM-4:30 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM-4:30 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM-4:30 PM


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Last Update Date: 06/01/2020

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