UMOS, a non-profit advocacy organization, provides programs and services which improve the employment, educational, health and housing opportunities of under-served populations.
Child Development Division The UMOS Child Development Division provides safe, nurturing and high quality, early childhood education programs with school readiness at the heart of everything we do.
The Child Development Division - is comprised of Migrant and Seasonal Head Start and Migrant Child Care-
Workforce Development Division - consists of Wisconsin Works (W-2) Transitional Jobs, Transform Milwaukee Jobs Program, TechHire and the National Farmworker Jobs Program.
Social Services Division - UMOS Social Services Programs are holistic, wrap-around services that compliment our two other divisions. UMOS staff provide services with true purpose to allow clients and customers to feel safe and secure, healthy and housed, warm and welcomed. We provide food for those in need, as well as an after school, “out of the box,” learning environment.